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In Kindergarten our musical goals are

to learn how to listen to music, move to music and make music, through exploration, demonstration and play!

Class Blog
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In the month of February we will be learning about Groundhog Day and Valentines day as well as spending a week on Pirates - for letter P, Volcanoes for letter V and telling Time for T.


The first week of January we will be learning all about the letter I by singing songs about Igloos and Icicles.

The second week of January we will simply focus on songs with a Winter/Snowy theme.

The third week of January we will learn about the letter J and Jungles!

In the last week of January we will be learning about the letter N while we play Name games and sing about Nighttime. 

November and December

In the months of November and December, the Kindergarten class will be learning their music for the Christmas Program! They are learning the songs: "Ode to Joy", "Here Comes Santa Claus", "Sleep Well, Little Children" and a dance to the song "Mother Ginger" from The Nutcracker!


Week 5 and 6

In weeks 5 and 6 the Kindergarten class learned about the letter M. We sang songs about Monkeys, Mice and girls named Mary. We learned how to play the Maracas while we sang the song Miss Mary Mack!

Week 3

The Kindergarten class has been learning about the letter "H". We are singing songs about Horses and Hats, and we learned about our September Composer of the Month: St. Hildegard von Bingen. We learned that September 17 is St. Hildegard's Feast Day, and we listened to her music while we drew pictures about what we thought her prayer songs were about. 

Week 4

This week the Kindergarten class learned about the letter K. We sang songs about Kangaroos, Kites and Kings, and we learned how to play the Kazoo!

Week 2

The Kindergarten class has been learning about the letter "E" and are singing songs about Elephants and Eggs.

Week 1

The Kindergarten class has been learning about the letter "A", and will be singing songs about Alligators and Apples

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